Beiträge von Kandelei

    Heute gab es für Ark gleich zwei Ankündigungen, was in der nahen und fernen Zukunft auf die Spieler zu kommen wird.
    Zum einen wurde ein neuer Spielmodus angekündigt der unter dem Namen ARK: Primal Survival laufen wird. Hier schlüpft man in die Rolle der Tiere von ARK und kann mit seinen Artgenossen leben, jagen und Brüten!

    Die zweite Ankündigung bezieht sich auf den nächsten Patch, wo die neuen Gebiete zu The Island hinzugefügt werden und der lang erwartete Titanosaurus erscheint!

    Ausserdem wurde ein weiterer Mod von den Devs übernommen und ist ab dem 28. Juli zum downloaden erhältlich. Primitive Plus verbannt die modernen Aspekte aus ARK und lässt dem Spieler nur die primitven Dinge. Aber um den Verlust auszugleichen wurden viele neue Dinge hinzugefügt.
    Der Mod beinhaltet:

    • Über 100 primitive gehaltene Strukturen
    • 3 "alte" Bau Stufen (Lehm,Holz,Ziegel und Zement)
    • Ausgiebiges Ressourcensystem - überlebe mit über 40 verschiedenen ressourcen
    • Primitive Fallen (Totfallen / Fischfalle)
    • Erweitertes Farmen - 10 historische Pflanzen und ressourcen (Weizen, Gerste,Kaffee,Tee usw.)
    • 11 ikonische Waffen (Steinschuss pistole, Muskete, Vikinger Axt, Kampfaxt, etc)
    • 60 rezepte für Essen
    • Viele Rollenspielelemente (Märkte zum Handeln, Mahlzeiten, etc)

    Die Funpimps haben ein kleines Video online gestellt wo man sehen kann, an was momentan für Alpha 15 gearbeitet wird.

    An sich viele schöne Änderungen. Schade nur, dass die Charaktererstellung versimpelt wird...

    7 Days to Die kommt nun auch für die Konsole raus. Gestern Nacht wurde ein Trailer mit Statement veröffentlicht, in dem gesagt wurde, dass das Spiel durch das Studio Telltale (The Walking Dead-Spiele) im Juni als Early Access Titel für die Konsolen erscheinen wird. Vorbesteller erhalten 5 exclusive Skins wie z.B Lee Everett oder Michonne. Ausserdem wird die Konsolenversion Splitscreen Multiplayer,verschiedene Multiplayermodi und viele andere Features beinhalten, die in den kommenden Tagen/Wochen angekündigt werden.

    In den Foren haben die Devs später dann auch verlauten lassen, dass Content und Fixes zwischen den Studios hin und her gereicht werden und wir in naher Zukunft wohl einen Performance Boot erwarten können.

    Laut MadMole steht der release von Alpha 14 wohl kurz bevor. Auf die Frage ob das Update noch vor Ostern kommen würde gab der Entwickler folgende Antwort: We're ready any day now. Unless showstoppers keep cropping up we're going to release it. So wird das Update,sofern keine weiteren Bugs auftauchen, wohl dieses Wochenende oder nächstes Wochenende raus kommen (oder auch nicht :P).
    Das Update an sich soll lt. den Devs doppelt so groß sein wie Alpha 13 und viele Bugfixes,Änderungen und vor allem Performance tweaks bringen. So wurde gesagt, dass der Client nun besser laufen würde, als bei manchen Alphas zuvor.
    Mal schauen, ob das was wird oder wir nochmal ein paar Wochen warten müssen, bis das nächste Update raus kommt.

    Heute morgen gab es für 7D2D vorerst das letzte Update für die nächsten Tage. Leider bringt das update nur ein paar bugfixes und das neue RandomGen.

    Alpha 13.6 Patch notes

    • Added: New video Tone Mapping options replacing the old Dynamic Contrast. Currently there are 5 options including Vibrant, Cold, Dark, Bright, and Vibrant DeSat. Vibrant is the default. Note: These are experimental and could be turned into 1 default with usage of these for biome or player type effects.
    • Added repair to various concrete blocks
    • Added: Some ambient one shots to burnt forest.
    • Added: VERY rough first draft of caves. Still more to do with the noise values yet.
    • Changed: RWG random world generation has a whole new algorithm.
    • Changed: Lowered sea level to 32 meters.
    • Changed: Replaced per biome terrain adjustment with single terrain generator
    • Changed: Biomes now spawned using perlin noise.
    • Changed: Biome distribution is more even per biome.
    • Changed: Hub layouts have changed slightly.
    • Changed: Hub Cell size increased to give hubs a little more room to generate.
    • Changed: Hub cell offset set to 0 for a more predictable grid like hub layout.
    • Changed: Did a slight optimization to pine forest decorations.
    • Changed: Increased stability of stable cloth material
    • Changed: Steel walls now have 4000 hit points instead of 2000.
    • Changed: Night time zombies are restructured like day time zombies. Dogs on day 5, with no spawning near day 7 so players have time for the night hordes.
    • Changed: Nerfed spike trap damage now that gore blocks are disabled.
    • Changed: cornbread hold type and added custom hold item.
    • Changed: Player surface walk slope max to 65 degrees (up from 60) to fix getting stuck on spike trunk tips.
    • Fixed: New rbg colors to map markers.
    • Fixed: Damaged Wood spikes cannot always be repaired
    • Fixed: Dogs attacking rapidly.
    • Fixed: Limited voices on the minibike sounds.
    • Fixed: Downgraded cobblestone ramps stay rotated the correct way.
    • Fixed: Car harvest per tier is now the same.
    • Fixed: Null ref when filling lots of jars with water
    • Fixed: Several material bugs where hardness was not 1
    • Fixed: Spike trunk tips should take damage now
    • Fixed: Light bug on spotlight.
    • Fixed: Texture tiling error on stone block destroy particle effect.
    • Fixed: NRE on shooting an arrow and disconnecting.
    • Fixed: Issue where cities would stop rolling prefabs to place in the world.
    • Fixed: Issue where edges of hubs had a sharp bowl like cut.
    • Fixed: Issue where roads would be very steep due to hub bowl cuts.
    • Fixed: Y offset in utility building water works.

    Heute Abend gepostet:

    Überarbeitetes RandomGen

    While most the team was finding and fixing the lag bug Robert was working on the newest iteration of random gen. The first part of the overhaul was to get rid of all the steep walls and cliff problems which we achieved. Now the entire world flows together nicely with no 200 foot drop offs or spike walls made of terrain.

    Then we got lakes back and they look better than ever. There are even houses by the shore which look great. There are actually islands and peninsulas with sometimes roads that connect to them, which are really cool. See the one in the map screenshot in the SW corner. :)

    Also the wasteland is back. So we have all biomes again in random gen, and some central mountains now towards the center of the world. If you guys and gals are nice maybe Santa will drop this yet before Christmas. No promises, but so far testing looks really good.

    Radioaktive Gebiete, Große Gebirge und Inseln!

    Wenn jetzt in den kommenden Tagen noch ein Fix für die Dedi-Server kommen würde, wärs perfekt. :)

    Und heute hat er sich auch prompt entschuldigt:

    We're committed to MP. I was just being a jerk last night, sorry. I've worked so hard for so many months and to see complaints that we don't care or are ignoring problems after slaving so long is hard to swallow sometimes. I've put my professional hat back on. We'll find these problems soon enough.

    hihi :rolleyes:

    Die Multiplayer-Server laufen nicht, Zombies buggen rum und die FPS sind auch nicht grad die besten. Patch 13 hat viele Änerungen gebracht, die wohl noch nicht ganz so ausgereift waren, wie man Anfangs angenommen hatte. Und nun hat der Entwickler Madmole auch noch eine Antwort auf eine Frage gegeben, die der Spielecommunity ziemliche Bedenken gibt.

    We don't NEED multi player. We are making a great single player game and coop sort of fell out of the engine so we turned it on and people liked it, so we made a dedi and allowed that. Fallout will sell more than all these new ♥♥♥♥ty survival games combined and we'll be right next to them with a fabulous single player campaign. Are we abandoning multi player? Hell no. But its not our top priority right now. We want the game to run great in SP and P2P for a couple friends. We only support up to 8 players, yet people have 50 slot servers with hundreds of zombies on it, then complain its not working right.

    Eine sehr unglücklich ausgedrückte Antwort, die momentan für viel aufregen sorgt. :/

    Gestern ist ein neuer Trailer von Star Citizen erschienen. Diesmal geht es um den nahtlosen übergang von Weltall zur Planetenoberfläche mit dem ersten begehbaren Planeten.

    Wie immer alles In-Engine.

    Ein neuer Tag, ein neuer Patch...Alpha 13.3 ist da!

    Alpha 13.3 Patch notes

    • Added: Negative sound needed for “No room in Queue!”
    • Added: Honey to Shamway foods crates.
    • Changed: Reduced MaxVoices across footsteps and many other entries for audio perf improvement.
    • Changed: Removed fix for memory leak as it seems to have regressions
    • Changed: Zombie bears never give up the chase.
    • Changed: cornmeal is now made from 1 corn and you get 1 cornmeal.
    • Changed: corn seed recipe is now 2 seeds from 1 corn.
    • Changed: Reactivated object pools on dedicated servers, better clearing of pools when no players are connected.
    • Changed: Lowered insulation values of leather armor.
    • Changed: Bandanas are now craftable and provide cooling.
    • Changed: Plant fiber hat now craftable and provides cooling.
    • Changed: Wind cools you more when you are wet.
    • Changed: Running and walking heats you up less.
    • Changed: Azalea bushes can now be harvested like flowers for 1 wood on pickup, and punched/mined for 1 wood as well.
    • Changed; 44 Magnum Parts, 44 Magnum Cylinder, 44 Magnum Grip, 44 Magnum Frame, Hunting Rifle Barrel, Hunting Rifle Receiver, Hunting Rifle Parts, Auger Blade, Small Engine, Handlebars and Minibike Handlebars all use generic sack model now.
    • Changed: Blocked local sounds playing on Dedicated Server in AudioManager.
    • Changed: Shamway loot container to be wood instead of cardboard.
    • Changed: Army camps to spawn only in the snow biomes in random gen.
    • Changed: Cobblestone walls and ramps take 4 to upgrade instead of 10.
    • Changed: stone recipe to match new stone yield.
    • Changed: Cobblestone frames only take 5 wood and 1 plant fiber instead of 10 and 5.
    • Changed: Wandering hordes, extended them to day 21 then they loop. Reduced number of dogs in wandering hordes and none will spawn on day 6, 7 and 8 so that for sure the night 7 horde will come.
    • Changed: Small audio performance update – mostly for dedicated servers.
    • Changed: Stone drops more rocks, proportionate to the resource boulders.
    • Fixed: Null ref in Audio stop call.
    • Fixed: Profile editor sex selection doesn’t enable correct options.
    • Fixed: Ability to have invalid character by having no profiles and pressing edit.
    • Fixed: Shade impacts core temp by -10 degrees F
    • Fixed: Denied resource sound isn’t playing.
    • Fixed: Dead zombies disappearing at certain viewing angles.
    • Fixed: Make workstations closable with “E”
    • Fixed: Dogs give up the chase after 25 seconds.
    • Fixed: NRe when damaging a minibike.
    • Fixed: Hitting Supply Drop Crate Caused An NRE
    • Fixed: One damaged wood spike could be picked up.
    • Fixed: Large trees now yield twice the wood as medium trees.
    • Fixed: Nails use auto weight calc.
    • Fixed: Shift click dupe between tool belt and inventory.
    • Fixed: Cobblestone walls can be repaired.
    • Fixed: Richwood stairs can be repaired.
    • Fixed: Garden Hoe mechanic exploit for easy expandable bedrock base.
    • Fixed: 7days memory hogs on mp games.
    • Fixed: Scavenger 10 unlocks Quality Joe for other players on dedi.
    • Fixed: Quality Joe not properly applying its bonus to items.
    • Fixed: Loot containers are empty for scavenging level 20 players.
    • Fixed: Various skill replication issues.
    • Fixed: Cloning of Skills wasn’t cloning all data.
    • Fixed: First level of unlocked perks were free.
    • Fixed: Players get stuck in loading screen. Delete profile required.

    Note: We have some performance improvements but still have some things we can make better stay tuned.

    Und auch an diesem Morgen gab es wieder einen kleinen Patch.

    Alpha 13.2 Patch notes

    • Added: Notification when item is broken and needs repair.
    • Changed: Supply crates have less HP
    • Changed: Rebalanced all tools. Essentially all iron tools do the same base damage, but have penalties for what they aren’t good at. This resolves odd cases where a pickaxe might have been better at cutting wood than a fireaxe. Stone tools do half the damage iron tools do. Steel tools do 2x damage as iron
    • Changed: Dead animals stay in the world 2x as long
    • Changed: Sunglasses make you look cool and also cool you down in hot weather.
    • Changed: Rocket launcher cannot be assembled or repaired without reading the schematic first.
    • Changed: Horde zombies save with map when they reach destination.
    • Changed: Tools made from forged iron no longer break, but become unusable until repaired
    • Changed: Increased the amount of repair forged iron provides to degraded tools.
    • Changed: Buttons on the map now highlight whenever you hover over them.
    • Changed: Player stats refresh less per second.
    • Fixed: Harvest HUD showing -1 to +2 when picking up an item dropped via mouse or drop action.
    • Fixed: Minibike screen text stays on screen after picking up chassis.
    • Fixed: Skills sometimes not able to be hovered or selected.
    • Fixed: Item degradation breaks not being used without degradation section.
    • Fixed: Items breaking after use when set not to.
    • Fixed: Added repair to ladders.
    • Fixed: Waterflow re-enabled. Water performance on deep lakes improved.
      [Note: water blocks under at least 6 water blocks/voxels will not reduce their emission count so as to keep large lakes from recalculating the entire lake. Blasting holes near the surface, or shoreline, of a lake will still cause some performance loss but much less than before and will NOT flatten out the entire lake, keeping performance light]
    • Fixed: Drinking water with hands & NRE fix.
    • Fixed: Minibike parts not visible to others in MP.

    Note: we are working on the mysterious bad framerate and high ram usage being reported on servers only and have some un-tested fixes in the works stay tuned.

    Heute morgen gab es schon den ersten Patch, der verschiedene Änderungen mit sich bringt. Hier die engl. Patchnotes:

    Alpha 13.1 Patch notes

    • Added: Dismemberment fixes for snow zombie.
    • Changed: Nerfed club block damage. (Meine schönen Holzknüppel ;( )
    • Changed: Slightly increased stone axe block damage on low quality range.
    • Changed: Audio source falloff adjusted for minibike.
    • Changed: Player stamina loop not played until < 50% stamina.
    • Changed: Most wood barricades have less hit points.
    • Changed: Updated localization improving cold and hot weather messages and descriptions as well as fixed some item description typos.
    • Changed: Increased chance for limb removal.
    • Changed: Decreased chance to get infected.
    • Changed: Increase size of blood splatter on particle effects to be more apparent.
    • Changed: Temporarily disabled water flow code to improve framerate and investigate flow code performance.
    • Changed: Reinforced iron club is now repaired from scrap iron.
    • Fixed: Male Dreadlocks cause IndexOutOfRange exception.
    • Fixed: Recipe categories now have tooltips.
    • Fixed: Recipe text search now filters just by the name.
    • Fixed: Blunderbuss, leather gloves and iron boots missing skill group assignment.
    • Fixed: Shovel and fireaxe didn’t use auto calc weight.
    • Fixed: Null ref when equipping an iron helmet.
    • Fixed: recipe for stone boulders now matches what you can harvest from it.
    • Fixed: Shift clicking items from inventory to full container deletes items.
    • Fixed: Wrong locale when parsing decimal numbers on Linux.
    • Fixed: major Steam Networking performance issue.
    • Fixed: Yucca juice now uses cooling/tea drink icon.
    • Fixed: Zombie lunge hit timing.
    • Fixed: Zombies attacking immediately from stun state instead of getting up.
    • Fixed: Zombies apply their debuffs before hitting.
    • Fixed: Toned down stamina and run loop sounds on female player.
    • Fixed: opening or closing an air drop crate can no longer be heard 1000 meters away
    • Fixed: Fat zombie scale problem a.k.a. fat fun house mirror looking zombie.
    • Fixed: Zeds unable to consistently hit player when you are very close to them.
    • Fixed: Added pain animations to zombies in a knockdown to their knee state.

    Die Entwickler haben heute morgen gesagt, dass es noch Ca 50 bugs zu fixen gibt. Wenn alles gut laufen wird, kann man mit dem release zwischen Freitag und Montag rechnen.

    Dann halt hier nochmal. ARK kommt nächste Woche offiziell für die Xbox One raus und deshalb gibt es wieder einen neuen Trailer.